The Muse Writes...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Rambling of the Year!

Right now I am sitting in my (half-clean) apartment in a dark room. Why? Well one: I find it easier to write in the dark and two: if I had the lights on I wouldn't be able to look out my "snow-flake" frosted window as well. Hmm...So I guess technically since the sunlight is coming in I'm not really in the dark am I? How about dimly lit room? Lol. :-)

Oh dear... There are two loads of laundry screaming obscenities at me. But...I figure that if I ignore them long enough they'll stop and maybe pop into the washer by themselves. Too much to ask right? :-) I finally took down all our Christmas decorations. Boo-hoo. I love setting up for Christmas!! I feel so incredibly sad when I have to put everything away. It's like saying good bye to a great house guest...a great house guest who brings a lot of happiness and warmth into your life...a great house guest who sadly will not come back until the end of the coming year. *Sigh* Goodbye Christmas. See you again in 11 months.

I'm really happy N is working with Matt this year. Kudos to my man for being a genius and kudos to his boss for hiring my genius! :-) It's very cool to see how excited N is about his work. Finally he can come home to me relaxed and full of stories about his job. And I am so happy is leaving work at 5pm instead of 5:30pm. What's the difference you ask? Well...umm...thirty minutes?! We were laughing just the other day about how we moved to this area so we would be closer to N's job and our (old) church and now almost a year later N has a new job and we have a new church and they are both located where we used to live! Hah! Oh well! We really like this place over here!

I'm still contemplating what to make for dinner. Usually on Thursdays we have Mac & Cheese. Yummy!! I found a recipe last night though that I really want to make. So maybe I could make it tonight and we can have our M&C tomorrow?? Oh! But I really want my Mac and Cheese! Augh! Curse my inability to make decisions! ;-)

Ooo...N should be out of work now! I think I shall call him and ask what he wants! There! Problem solved. :-)

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