I made my first pie!! :-) Well... actually it's not my very first pie. When I was about 15 (most likely younger) I decided to try making a Cherry Pie. I can't remember if it looked good or if it even tasted good. I'm not a fan of pie so...yeah. Lol. Now many years later I am married to a man who likes pie a lot. I realized that while I have made him an ice cream pie I've never made him an actual oven baked, fruit-filled home style pie. How is it that we have been married for almost 2 years and I haven't tried to make him a pie?! Heh...like I said...I'm not a pie person. So I decided to search for a good recipe and make an apple pie for my sweetie pie (hehe...oh dear...that was a bit cheesy wasn't it!!).
I found a recipe for a flaky crust and the filling recipe called Swedish Apple Pie. It was a bit tricky. I get rather distracted while baking (or cooking for that matter) and have to double/triple check everything to make sure nothing goes wrong so it took a little bit longer than the recipe prep-time called for. I didn't know what "pretty" pie design to do for the top so I had to just make it up as I went a long. I wanted it to end up looking like it had flower petals forming a flower....haha....unfortunately it didn't quite end up looking like that. Oh well! :-)
N has enjoyed eating it. I have had to keep tabs on him and the pie so that I could make sure he wouldn't eat the whole thing in one sitting. The pie keeps getting smaller and smaller, but I haven't actually witnessed him eating lately which means only one thing. He is being sneaky and eating it when I am not looking so I don't ask "N how much pie have already had today?" or tell him "Babe...you can't eat pie for breakfast/lunch/dinner." Haha! He is soo cute! :-)

Here is my quirky, but very tasty (yes, I tried it!) Swedish Apple Pie.
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