I see the first seal at the bottom as someone who has decided to risk getting out of their pool of "xyz". They are weary from fighting. Exhausted. Breathing is about all they can do right now. They are just now experiencing life outside of the pool. Their heart is full of questions...anger and fear and ambivalence are taking a seat at this new table. Raw is what feels the truest. Even places of numbness can still exist. Getting out of the pool was HUGE...but that's all they can muster. Hope? Hope is just feeling right now...its a mixture of fighting and resting. It's complicated.
The second seal has taken a big risk in getting up from the fear and exhaustion. Hope now looks like believing there is so much more. But it's something like looking around the corner. You're up...your feeling...your hopeful...but cautious. Is it worth it to walk up to the door. You've heard all the right answers to your heart's questions...maybe you know them inside&out, but can you believe them. Can you take them to the door and ask "Please? See me. Hear me. I'm ready. Please open this door." This seal is hopeful. But is waiting around the corner. Desiring to step out.
The third seal is risking everything. Standing at the door...hope in hands...asking loudly. Waiting for an answer. Waiting completely vulnerable...hiding behind nothing... It's hard to be there. It hurts like hell most of the time. You know someone is behind there...someone is listening. But you'll keep waiting. Hoping that door will open. Refusing to run behind the corner...refusing to give up and lay down...refusing to jump back into your pool because somehow you'll be covered and safe. You wait because there is something glorious in the pain and questions. There is something beautiful to be heard in your heart's cry.
I wonder where you're at today? Which seal are you? Are you just breathing? Peeking around the corner? Or standing at the door?
I've been to all these places...sometimes I do a little dance between standing at the door to running back behind the corner. Sometimes I just say "F*ck this. I'm too scared." And jump back into my pool. It's a process. A journey. A slow painful dance that teaches me that standing at the door is so worth it. If only I risk it all to wait.
Oh Mal. This is the first post I came across this morning and I'm in tears. How fitting for where I'm at today.
I am the third seal. And while it feels somewhat glorious to be there, it's terrifying knowing that I'm only hours away from that door opening.
I woke up this morning and a faint voice somewhere was saying to "F*ck this" and go back where I belong. But I belong at that door. It's time.
Thank you for sharing this today.
yay seals! my first thoughts were, how cute! and how INCREDIBLY random! :)
great pic. thanks for the thoughts.
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