The Muse Writes...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Three Princesses...

 There have been two Disney movies that have connected with me my almost 25 years. Everyone I know loves Belle, Ariel, Jasmine...and the other gals, but my two favorite have always been Cinderella and Mulan.

Back when I was little I used to watch Cinderella religiously. I had all her songs memorized and when I was cleaning up...when I was getting dressed...when I was sewing...I saw myself as her...dreaming and waiting. I used to close my eyes and hope that when I opened them again my Fairy Godmother would be there singing and a beautiful dress would be swirling around me. I even learned all the songs on the piano and would play them over and over again while singing and looking out the dining room window where our piano was positioned. I'd always remember "have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will smiling matter how your heart is grieving...if you keep on believing...the dream that you wish will come true." No one could order me to stop dreaming.

One a sillier note I always wanted a cat like Lucifer...and I got one. :-)

And when Nate and I had our first kiss back when we were dating (and what an freaking awesome kiss was that?! yumm!) and I waltzed back inside my house and into my room...I kid you not...I literally was singing softly to myself "So this is love".

I have two copies of Cinderella. One my mom bought me...the other I stole from my grandmother because her cover was newer. I'm not proud I was a little thief...but it was Cinderella...

Then another movie came out and I saw it a million times in theater. I even had a Mulan birthday party.
Here was girl (and she had black hair just like me!!) who was insecure, but was hoping and struggling to be find who she was. A girl who chose a hard path to prove herself a worthy woman. A woman who could fight along with the boys and still be so tender and beautiful. And...she got her "prince" at the end too...

I know people make fun of the Reflection song, but that song still to this day makes me tear up. It pulls at something so deep inside of me...and as a girl struggling to keep dreaming and who had no clue who she was...that song was written for my little heart. As silly as it might be, I would sing it in the mirror hoping that at that moment maybe...just reflection would show who I was inside...


I not only had a favorite princess who encouraged me to dream passionately, but a warrior princess (she's a princess in my opinion!) who fought valiantly with strength, courage, and beauty.

I plan on watching these two movies with my little girls someday...and even reading to them about the real Fau Mulan.

So I've loved these movies...each so different, but perfectly connectable to my heart. I seriously have thought no other Disney movie could share a spot with these two... Until...

This week...I watched Tangled. I had heard it was good, but I'm "grown up" now and if I'm going to do animated one can hold a candle the old school movies and now to Pixar. But it was on Netflix for Instant viewing so I thought "Why not?!". Seriously, by the end of the movie, I was in tears. Another movie princess crept in and tugged at me. Love, Adventure, Dreaming.

There were so many places that connected to my story. I found myself laughing at Rapunzel when she did things that reminded me of her and tearing up when things happened to her that happened to me. Of course I have no idea what it's like to have golden, long ass hair, but that's neither here nor there lol.

I've now watched it twice. Once by myself and tonight again with N. Even he liked it! And this scene, even the second time around, brings tears to my eyes.  {Hmm...well I tried to embed it, but it won't work so please...please click on the link and watch it! I think it's so beautiful and tear worthy...but that's just me...}

Now I have three favorite princesses. Three to share with my future little princesses. I can see us having a "war" outside and fighting like Mulan or having tea while Cinderella sweetly sings or curled up, drinking hot chocolate while Rapunzel shows us that adventure is out there for us. And really, just three to remind myself that you're never too old to have three favorite princesses...

And what's even better...they were all prince did come. Guess Disney knows what they were talkin' about. :-)

1 comment:

Jennifer Owens said...

You know, I've decided I needed to watch Mulan again. I think I felt so out of touch with that particular Disney princess - because she wasn't just wearing beautiful dresses and waiting for some prince to whisk her away for some happily ever after. I couldn't relate much to Mulan - I think I spent a lot of life waiting to be rescued rather than learning and fighting for myself and what I believed in. How you described her here, reminded me more of the princess I see myself as today. Thanks for reminding me that a princess is more than frilly dresses and tiaras. A real princess has hearts and gut, a sense of adventure, and her beauty goes far beyond the dress she's sporting. (o:

Oh and Tangled rocks - LOVE that movie. And I love how they portrayed Rapunzel. (o: