The Muse Writes...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Quote of the Day...

My brain still isn't awake enough to write a post, but I found this quote while I was going through my Grace Group book and thought I would share it...

"The Love of Christ is a fierce thing. It can take the picture you have of yourself and burn it in the fire of his loving eyes, replacing it with a true masterpiece. When you begin to open to this embrace, you develop eyes for others. You start showing up in the lives of other people. You can be the first to offer love and grace, and not the one who stands needy and yearning on the sidelines. You can see yourself as merely mortal, even silly, but not ashamed. " - D. Allender-

1 comment:

anna said...

Thank you for sharing this. My sister and I have been pondering on this all day.
I feel so blessed to call you a woman that "shows up" in my life!