The Muse Writes...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Um. Wow.

Um. Wow. My heart is holding something very tightly right now. Well not really tightly...just when it comes to writing it down at least. It's nothing bad...just something good...and unexpected and honestly it just feels like God looked down and said "Yeah. I do care about you. I care so much I'm gonna blow your freaking mind with this and let you be in awe because I care. So much."

{and yes, in my world God says things like "blow your freaking mind" as well as other cool and random things lol. }

It's something small and yet so big and pulling at a part in my story. It feels so weird to say that I can feel warmth and tenderness in those cold places. There is a part of me that doesn't want to get too excited because then it might not happen and then I'll be wrong about God caring and I'll just be disappointed...hugely. I really feel like deleting all this. It feels silly.

Which way do I go? I think right now I just choose the God cares path because while it doesn't feel does feel warmer and sweeter.

Um. Wow.


Jennifer Owens said...

Don't delete this. It's not silly.

I'm excited about the places God is blowing your freaking mind. And I can't wait to hear more.

Seized by Hope said...

I too am glad you did not delete this....

waiting and wondering and hoping with you.