The Muse Writes...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Random Thoughts

1. I miss my best friend very, very much. Every time I walk into the mall or into a starbies or a comic book store or finish Skyping with her I feel that sadness tugging on my heart which reminds me that her presence is noticed and missed... a lot.

2. Driving is becoming more natural to me and I have all these fun little "driving" stories to talk about lol. And I don't like that people don't like me driving at the speed limit. It says limit for a reason right?! Safety baby...that's what it's about!

3. I ponder a lot in my heart. And because of that it's time to start journaling again.

4. I've started watching the sweetest little boy in the world. He makes me smile and laugh each Wednesday I'm with him.

5. I love blogging on my MacBook. It feels amazing! Hence the blog posts.

6. I'm glad I'm blogging again....

7.  Listening to classical music while blogging is divine. And makes me wish I could actually play the pieces that dip my heart in a warm bubble bath.

8. I am drawing a little comic strip about two little zombies. It's kinda cute and funny! But I haven't really shown anyone because I am not an artist and I think that they will think it's stupid.

9. It's a new year which means at some point I will re-read all my Harry Potter books like I have done for the past three years. And when A comes back I will finally have someone to watch the movies with!

10. I haven't eaten a single gummie bear in 2 months. My palette has been demanding dark chocolate. I have a bag stashed in my night stand drawer. And one down stairs. If you ever happen to be in my house and eat one... Well... I will punish you. Two things you should never touch: my Peanut Butter and my Chocolate. I have sharing issues.

11. Recently I've been leaving my ipod on shuffle and it has been very pleasing! Usually I just trust my playlists to make me happy because I'm looking for very specific mood music. I don't know about you, but the majority of my playlists are based on songs that compliment a mood I might be in. If I just let my pod wander around in my music collection the results can be weird. It'll go from Dashboard Confessionals to Korn. Not a good mix. Or DMX to Katy Perry. Hahaha! But lately when I get in the car I forget to choose a playlist and just turn on my pod and it's been pretty awesome. Each song flows right into the next with perfection. Good job iPod. Yeah, it deserves a "That'll do Pig.".

12. I have officially found my theme song. It feels so Mal. Hahaha. Sometimes I break out singing this and always end it with "Mal" instead of "Jess".  :-) I'm a dork.  New Girl Theme Song 


Jennifer Owens said...

1) I miss her too. )o:

2) I don't get why people don't go the speed limit either. Seriously, what the heck?!

3) Journaling is good - I've been doing more of it too.

4) Yay! He adores you!

5) I got a new keyboard and I like the way it sounds when I type, hence the length of this blog comment.

6) And I am SOO excited!

7) I know exactly what you mean. And I also didn't know you even listened to classical music. Another reason that I'm happy we are friends. (o:

8) I totally need to see this.

9) Whenever a new year starts I re-watch my entire series of Sex and the City. Totally different, but kind of the same? Haha.

10) Now I have this horrible itch to steal your gummie bears just to see how you will react.

11) I don't have an iPod anything and I am so needing one. But I listen to Pandora on "Shuffle" sometimes. But yeah, not the same.

12) This song seriously rocks my socks off. I LOVE it. And you're not a dork. Unless I am. But that's highly unlikely.

bleedingdaughter said...

yes to #8. NOW.
nice theme!