The Muse Writes...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Feeling Vibrant

I've been doing a little shopping with some money we got from our tax refund and I noticed a trend this year.

 I've been very into black for a long time. Back when I was teaching piano, I wore a lot of black and white and reds. Basic colors that were easy to combine. After I stopped teaching I switched to wearing a lot of t-shirts. Then the last two years I have very slowly branched out to some color. It felt hard at first. I know that sounds very silly, but it felt weird and uncomfortable. Last year I got more comfortable with it and have been trying to stay away from the safety of my basic black-only look. This year has definitely marked a change. And it all started with a pair of yellow heels.

I went into the mall before Valentine's Day looking for a cute top to wear. I wasn't having much luck. And then in the sale area I saw a pair of bright yellow heels. At first I wasn't even going to bother to see what size they were in. Bright yellow heels? Seriously. That did not sound like me. And the moment I thought that I said "Why doesn't that sound like me?! I am a fun, spunky girl! Why shouldn't I have bright yellow heels?" So I checked them out and they were a 1/2 a size too small (a 6 instead of a 6 1/2), but I didn't care and they still fit me.

Very proud and excited over my find, I realized that now I needed something to wear with my new heels.  I found a dress. Now I rarely wear dresses because I never feel like a have an occasion to wear them to, but I thought of one that might happen and decided either way it looked great with the heels and I needed this pretty dress. And yeah, I even twirled around in the dressing room with it on. Haha!

Then slowly this month I have picked up some other tops and and nail polish. All very colorful! When I was showing N, my new finds from yesterdays short shopping trip he said "Wow! All these tops are very vibrant!". I couldn't help, but smile and say "I guess I'm just feeling very vibrant lately.". And I am. Things feel very different for me this year and with all this change it has left me feeling vibrant and my clothing choices are showing that!

Pulsing or throbbing with energy or activity
Vigorous, lively, and vital
Relatively high on the scale of brightness

It feels really weird that I would use that word for how I am feeling lately. There are days when I don't feel vibrant. I feel dull or ordinary. But for the most part I am feeling vibrant and it feels really awesome.  

There is no denying it.  Vibrant. Bright heels and all. :-) 


Jennifer Owens said...

I just love all of this. ALL OF IT!!

I am so all about the yellow heels (because hello - they practically speak to my heart). I know vibrant. I do vibrant. And YOU ARE SOOOO vibrant. I love seeing you embrace it.

Love this!

bleedingdaughter said...