My Husband.
He is my Knight in Shining Armor.
He is my Hero.
He is the face I see every morning and the body I snuggle up to every night.
He is the one who tries to redeem my inability to lose nicely at games.
He is the one who chases the "monsters" from my dreams.
He is the one who brings me water and a blanket any time I ask for it.
He is the one who provides with great strength and integrity.
He is the one who blows me kisses.
He is the one who wipes my tears away, laughs at my quirkiness, and plays hide and go seek with me in our small apartment.
He is the one whose arms are filled with safety and love.
He is the one whose hands are always reaching for mine.
He is the one who cuddles me on the couch.
He is the one who calls me angel.
He is the one who loves to just sit and talk.
He is the one who invites me to dream more, and more.
He is the one who chases after me with a mouthful of water after I've just dumped a glass on him.
He is the one who loves every dish I make.
He is the one and only person I allow to cook with me.
He is the one who brings me flowers.
He is the one who bought me two mice, then a hamster, and then a cat, and another cat and when that cat died, he went a got me another kitty.
He is the one who I know will never leave me.
He is the one who texts me sexy things all day.
He is the one who can argue with me and meet me in all my hugeness and still at the end of the day be there to love me.
He is the one who plays with me even when it's almost two in the morning and he has to get up early the next day.
He is the one who cheers me on as I find more of who I am.
He is the first one who ever held my story.
He is the one who made our first kiss memorable....and still sends shivers down my spine when his lips meet mine. :-)
He is the one who does the hated job of cleaning out the cat litter.
He is the one who is willing to wake up early in the morning on a weekend to go used book sales with me.
He is the one who takes me on dates and always kisses me goodnight.
He is the one who remembers to put the seat down and that the toilet paper goes over...not under.
He is the one who takes my breath away.
He is the one who nurses me back to health when I'm sick.
He is the one who throws his head back and laughs with all his heart.
He is the one who prays with me every morning before he goes to work.
He is the one who loves me.
He is the one I love so very much.
He is my husband. He is the one.
Now. Always. Forever.
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