I'm sitting here thinking about what to post and I'm not really sure. There are a lot of thoughts floating around... Maybe this will just be a "hey, it's random time" post... :-)
Random Thought #1: I need a job. I want the comic book store job so bad and I'm feeling quite desperate. I told N yesterday that I'm feeling so desperate that I wanted to go over to the store and refuse to leave until they gave me a job. Somehow I don't think they'd appreciate some psycho-geeky girl holding herself hostage with the the comic books. "Give me this job...and...and...the comic books won't be hurt!!!" Hahaha...
Random Thought #2: I haven't read all the blogs I've wanted to read today.
Random Thought #3: I'm starting to love Fridays!! Many thanks to Anna and Jenn for that!!! :-)
Random Thought #4: I have words!! I have good words to give and I'm slowly starting to believe it when I say it...and when I hear that. A part of me wants to delete this random thought, but no! I'm not going to. It feels shameful to say my words are good and it feels easier to just wipe it away, but I think by keeping it and sitting in it this might just be my "curtain" moment.
Random Thought #5: Cat paws hurt like a mother. I love my cats so very much! But wow!!! When they walk on me it freakin hurts. Maybe I feed them too much. And this RT was brought to you by my cat Thalia. She decided to check out what I was doing and the only way to do that was by putting all her front paw weight on my arm.
Random Thought #6: I'm thinking of doing a little word search on the word prayer. I think a blog post should come out of that too... I have alot of thoughts on prayer... Most I've just kept hidden to myself because of people thinking I may not be "Christian enough".
Random Thought #7: I really, really hate the phrase "not Christian enough" and how churchy people make you feel like that just because you don't think like their own narrow little robotic minds. *sigh* I will not let myself rant about this right now....lol...
Random Thought #8: I loved Celebrity look-a-like week on Facebook! It was rather fun! :-) Apparently I look a bit like Salma Hayek. I feel rather flattered people would think I looked like her. I did this face recognition thing on my compy and it told me that I looked like Michelle Yeoh. I took it as a compliment (cuz I love her) and a sign that I will get my Chinese baby someday. Heheh... :-D
Random Thought #9: I need to comment more on people's blogs....
Random Thought #10: I wish more people commented on mine....lol...
Random Thought #11: I love cuddling with my husband and I love how he cuddles so well with me. <3 style="font-style: italic;">Random Thought #12: I am pretty darn sure the Zombie Apocalypse is going to happen. Oh and yes, I think aliens are real. And both scare the ever living crap out of me. I'm also afraid of ghosts, spirits, mummies, creepy children, evil dolls, clowns, people dressed in full body costumes (like at Disney World), the dark, serial killers, snakes, airplanes, snakes on airplanes, roller coasters, lightning, Samuel l. Jackson, monsters, basements, attics, haunted houses, the supernatural, 18-wheelers, popping corks, fire, heights, and bunnies.
Random Thought #13: I love when children ask me what something is or what it means and I give them silly answers. It's quite fun. It's never lying...just exaggerating the truth...a lot. ;-P
Random Thought #14: I'm wondering if anyone actually reads my blog...and what they are thinking about my weird random thoughts right now....haha
Random Thought #15: I don't like talking on the phone. I love texting...facebooking...and emailing....but never talking on the phone. It's very awkward for me.
Random Thought #16: I wish that when people ask for my words or advice that they just take it and not fight it. I'm not the type of person who is going to tell you what you want to hear. If it happens to be that well goody for you...if not...please realize that your silence or rejection of those words impacts my heart more than you realize.
Random Thought #17: I love it when I find people who I click so well with... It feels good and it is so rare.
Random Thought #18: Shower time is when I get a lot of my processing done. The steams helps clear away the cobwebs in my mind and when you are in the shower you can't hide behind anything. Your naked and your mind is naked and thoughts/feelings can just flow like the water...
Random Thought #19: I hope nobody ran away scared cuz of that last thought....hahahahaha...
Random Thought #20: .................I'm done. :-)
I love your random thoughts! And I cannot believe you just told the world I cuddle well. There goes my street cred.
RT3: ME TOO!!!
RT4: YES YOU DO! I'm glad you did not delete this thought.
RT6: I would totally love to hear what you come up with!
RT15: I love your phone messages...I feel like they start in the middle of a conversation lol
RT16: Your advice is full of wisdom. I really respect that about you.
i read most of these with a smile on my face- the ones that were serious, i got a thoughtful look- i think. and i laughed out loud at the huge list of your fears, mostly because you stuck samuel l jackson in there!
#1 - How did I miss this post? Where have been?
#2 - I hope more of my Fridays include you in them. Cause we have fun. (o:
#3 - YEs, you do have good words. And I love watching you recieve that when we tell you that in group.
#4 - I can't wait to see your "not christian-enough" post on prayer. I would LOVE to read something like that.
#5 - I love your random thoughts. You should write more of them.
<3 ya.
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