1) I was walking over to the apartment office to pay the rent and listening to my ipod when I suddenly wanted an entourage of people behind me dancing to Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl . I seriously think that if I had a few drinks in me then I would have just done it by myself, but I didn't so I just pretended to dance around all ghetto while singing "Let me hear you say this shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!". I wonder if I ever did all my crazy things in real, real life if the magical reality show people would give me my own reality show.
(fyi, real real life is real life outside my house...i really do dance around "ghetto" in my house so therefore it doesn't count and it's not real, real life.)
2) My hubs and I were being real romantic (wink wink) and he totally ruined it with this conversation:
Nate: You're my angel
Me: You're my hero
Nate: Hah. That's two of your shows that got canceled.
Me: Wha- Really?! Thanks, now I'm depressed!
Sigh. I get very close and involved with my favorite shows. I watch them over and over again. I cry at all the same emotional spots and laugh at all the same funny moments. I love my favorite characters with a passion and bitch at the others who fail to meet my expectations. Now I wasn't a huge fan of the show Angel, but I am a HUGE fan of Buffy and so therefore I love Angel. Heroes...sigh. I can't even began to tell you how happy this show made me. I literally cried when I heard that they were canceling the show. Rude. So if you like either show please join me in a moment of silence as we reminisce on their awesomeness... and if you don't know about them or don't care...well...skip the moment of silence.

3) I was watching Wipeout and one of the girls shouted out "I don't need to go to the zoo! My man is a beast!". I'm not really sure if she was meaning that as a compliment, but I'm gonna use it as one. My man is a beast...a sexy beast! I really should include a picture where he is looking all suave and Blue Steel (I heart Zoolander!!!), but I think that this shows how much fun we have together and I still think he's a sexy beast. Whoop-whoop! :-D
4) I think I am almost done refining my "celebration ink". I thought I had it figured out and then my tattoo guy pretty much told me that what I wanted I didn't really want. sigh. I hate when they are right. So I hit the drawing board again and now have three things I want and need quotes for... Actually it's only two things, but one of the them is a two-fold thing so that makes three things. Wow! Can you freakin believe how specific I am??!! Hahaha. Hopefully in the next week or two I will talk to him, figure out which one I'm gonna get, and schedule an appointment. Yes. I know. I don't have to schedule an appointment for a tattoo, but I'm very orderly (or weird whatever) like that. ;-P
We will be dancing to "hollaback girl." Soon.
And ummm...when is this ink happening??? I need to be there this time! (o;
hah, I like the pic. Not sure about the beasty part.
So yeah, if you did start doing all of the things you can see yourself doing I would try to get you your reality show.
I would watch that reality show...and I can see myself smiling.
Can't wait to see your "celebrate ink"...curious about what that will look like!
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