Like I've mentioned before in a previous post piano has been a part of my story. It's a long story I really don't get into because it feels like a lot. But the catch up version is I liked playing the piano as a hobby, but that wasn't a option for my parents. It was piano lessons and piano dreams and piano careers etc that they wanted for me. It was exhausting and hard because no one would ever listen to me...No one wanted to hear what I wanted. I took piano for 12 years, went to college for three years as a Music Major, and taught piano for six years. Finally in 2008, I put an end to it. I stood up for me. I needed to detox, I needed to find me, and as long as I was living someone else's dream that would never happen.
In 2008, I didn't enroll again at college. In 2008, I told my boss that at the end of the semester I would no longer be teaching piano. In 2008, I packed up all my music, turned off the light in my studio room, and closed the door for good. In 2008, I made a commitment that I wouldn't touch the piano again until I wanted to. In 2008, I told Evil enough...enough of whispering lies into my ears each time I touched those keys...enough of me drowning in contempt and shame...Enough...No more. For years, I had been forced to do something I didn't want to do. And finally I realized that Mal deserved something better. I deserved to voice my opinion and make it heard. So I walked away.
And I was happy. It felt so good to be away from piano. I knew I did the right thing.
Then exactly one year later I sat down at my old piano and played a bit. It felt good...I enjoyed playing whatever was still lodged in my little brain. But just as easy as it was to sit and play, it was just as easy to get up and walk away again. Yeah, it did feel good. And yeah, I realized that I still enjoyed playing. But I wasn't ready yet. It felt like a taste of hope. A taste of what it would be like to someday just sit and play for fun without any expectations. I got up, smiled and remembered the good things about me playing and knew that someday...maybe someday I'd come back, but today wasn't that day.
2010 came and went with me still remembering, processing, and being content in not playing. And then 2011 arrived. With Nate's new job he's always getting these little gift cards for just being awesome (okay it's not really for that...more like being good at referrals, but I like my reason better!) and he had two for Best Buy. So in January we went to see what he could get there. We looked and looked and finally we decided on a movie (I impressive haha).
But that's not even the point... While we were meandering I saw they had digital keyboards. I walked over to one, noticed it wasn't working (which was good to me...It's a big pet peeve for me when people disturb the shopping peace by making noise on instruments or toys or singing cards...) and did a few scales. I can't even describe what happened inside of me. It was just like this warm feeling washed over me... Kinda like in LOTR when Aragorn gives the King Theoden of Rohan his sword so that he can wake from the stupor he's been in because of Wormtongue.
Something just came alive. I wanted to play again. I wanted a piano again. I was ready to start over just for me. So God and I had a talk where I let Him know what He already knew. I was ready to play again, but wondered how I could. We don't have the money to just drop on a keyboard. I needed a full key, hammer weighted with pedals and sounds like a grand freakin piano, keyboard. That costs a lot of money. So an idea popped into my head. What if I asked my parents to sell my old piano and take that money to help towards a new one that would actually fit in our place. It felt very risky, but I stepped out and did it.
I called my dad the next night and the next day my mom was calling me. I usually don't answer the phone when I'm getting ready (trying to put makeup on and shouting "what? I can't hear louder!" into the speaker isn't exactly fun), but this time I did. I could feel my anger rising when I realized there had been a miscommunication. Usually when I get angry I spout off with some retort. This time I didn't. I just listened. Hah. Good thing because little did I know how that miscommuncation would benefit me. So because of what my mom thought was going on she had called a family friend to get info on these keyboards. And then God showed up like freaking Gandalf at Helm's Deep (hmm..I'm really in a LOTR mood lol). The family friend informed my mom that he would gladly give one of his digital keyboard to me as a gift. Um. Wow.
Did I believe her at first? Oh no. I mean how could God be that good to me? What just happened wasn't possible in real life. Things like that don't happen...least of all to me. But it did.
After I finished talking with my mom I sat there dumbfounded. God you know all the pain in that part of my story. When I tell it it's a quick, sometimes unfeeling, sometimes contemptuous way of telling it. The truth is there were so many little lies Evil was successful in drilling into my brain with each stroke of those keys. There is a lot of pain...and hurt... And that's not something I like sharing and being vulnerable about with people. What makes the tears fill up in my eyes is God knew how many tears were shed, books were thrown across the room, hurtful words people hurled at me like "you're handicapped because your hands are too small", back spasms I had from playing for hours at a time, dreams that were smothered from something I didn't want to do.
He knew I needed a break. He knew I needed to walk away and let it burn up so a couple years later I could scoop out a precious piece that was hidden in all the crappy ashes.
In a matter of a week I went from content in not playing to hungry about playing just for me to God giving me a gift that showed me He cared beyond words. He cared. He cared...
I've always struggled if God even cares about certain parts of my story. That week I experienced the truth in this area of my story. He really, truly cares...
I finally got my piano this week. It's so awesome. I pulled out all my books and have played through some of them. It's amazing to think that I still remember so much after all this time. I had to sit at that piano and just thank Him. I won't be playing for people...I won't be teaching again...I won't do anything I don't want to do... I'll just be playing in the quietness of my upstairs. It's finally a hobby. It's finally what I always wanted it to be. I think it's finally what He always wanted it to be for me... My heart is full and tender from His love and care.
Yes, Mal. You are passionately loved by the God of the Universe.
Um. Wow.
Um. Wow.