"If I were the Doctor I would take you with me."
I love the tv show Doctor Who. It's about a Time Lord called the Doctor who travels through time & space in his spaceship called the Tardis and usually travels with a companion. It calls to the very geeky side in me and also pulls at the adventure seeking heart strings. There are few shows that I can watch over and over, but Doctor Who is definitely one of those shows. Nate always tells me that he knows which shows mean the most to me if I end up crying while watching it. Yeah, I've cried while watching it. Don't judge! Everyone's heart gets tugged at with different things...mine just happens to be shows filled with adventure and friendship and the impossible.

Anyways when I saw that card tears filled up in my eyes. To have the Doctor ask you to join him is something special and rare. It's hard to describe. I already think of my hubby as the Doctor...and I am his Rose. (You really need to see the show to understand).
okay...tears again...
When my hubby got home he had hoped that my flower delivery would have gotten there, but it hadn't...and then ten mins later we got a call from the delivery guy asking how to get in the complex. Nate went out to just get the flowers and I personally think that it was more romantic to see him standing there holding this awesome arrangement rather than some stranger.

We usually do presents late at night, but we changed it up this year and gave them before we left. I got him the movie he has been dying to see every since the trailer. When we got back home later that night we curled up on the couch and watched Despicable Me. It was hilarious. And both of us want minions. It was my turn after his gift and OMG!!!! He got me a Doctor Who Illustrated Companion book and...wait for it... a Sonic Screwdriver!!!! You will never see the Doctor without one. I'm not going to try to explain in...go google it haha. I just want to say that this was the best freaking Valentines gift ever! I don't need diamonds or chocolates...just give me geeky toys that inspire me to dream and play! :-) Oh lordy...I am such a geek!

After presents we headed over to Tycoon Flats. If you've never been there please go! Their burgers are freaking juicy and unbelievable. And you need to try their Sweet Potato fries. O.M.G. Once we were full we headed over to a frozen yogurt place that we had a gift card to. It was yummy and instead of sitting inside we walked and talked and oohed & awed over our dessert.

It was a very romantic night...and very us... :-) We've had five V-day's together and I'm so looking forward to many, many more... *sigh* I'm a happy girl right now...and yes, I'm sitting here with my Sonic Screwdriver. Don't judge ;-P
you make me smile.
ahh! so much fun and joy! so cool. and now i want to watch doctor who. youve made it so compelling.
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