1. This is totally random. I thought I'd see what 10 songs would pop up on my Itunes Library and this was the order:
Sunrise - Nicole Nordeman
Better - Regina Spektor
4 In the Morning - Gwen Stefani
Resentment- Beyonce
Ready - Kelly Clarkson
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
Littlest Things - Lily Allen
Daydreamer - Adele
Shoots and Ladders - Korn
Man...Hahaha....I love how it started with Katy Perry and ended with Korn. Their styles of music couldn't be further apart than... well... than a chocolate chip cookie and a rock. :-)
2. I finished reading Mommie, Dearest. It's not a long book, but it took me a whole weekend to get through. I really should've been finished with it in like two days ago. But it's intense. It's not a book you can just run through. Reading about someone's abuse is not something I can just "run through". And yeah, in case you were wondering it's written by Joan Crawford's daughter Christina Crawford. I'm not even going to say if all the stuff written is true or not because it's not my story. I do find it interesting that regardless of our stories the vows and messages, the ways we learn to survive and so on are so very similar. It makes my heart hurt for my own story and for others.
"I believe in the sun even when it is not shining...
in love even when I am alone...
and in God even when He is silent."
{Inscription found scratched in a wall in Germany by someone hiding from Nazi concentration camps.}
I saw this written on a block (it's a medium size square block that holds three tea candles at the top...it's beautiful!!) at Hallmark a couple weeks ago. I remember looking at it and just standing there. Those words were so powerful. Those words do not always feel true to me, but I desperately desire them to feel true all the time. I went ahead and bought it because I knew it's something I needed to see. Everyday. A constant reminder. Every time I look at it the world seems to just stop... I feel a quiet calm enter my being. It's a hushed stillness. A reminder that my God is always there. Even when I feel His silence so strongly. And I can believe that He's always here with every once of my being. It's easy to write that...and easy to believe in the good times...but it's hard to hold onto those words so tightly and believe them every day...no matter what.
4. Conversation A:
(I'm in the kitchen tearing and cutting up junk mail)
Nate: Babe...what are you tearing up??
(said very dramatically while throwing paper in air)
Nate: Hahahahahaha!
(he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me)
Nate: Oh Babe, I love you. Hahah.
Conversation B:
(the first part of this conversation was me telling Nate about a movie I saw on TCM about this dude who pretended to be crazy to get into an asylum to solve a murder and then at the end he goes crazy himself.)
Me: What would you do if I started seeing things that weren't there?
Nate: Well. I'd take you to a Psychologist.
Me: No. You would take me to a Psychiatrist.
Nate: What's the difference?
Me: A Psychiatrist can prescribe you medication.
Nate: Well at least the first could ask you about your feelings to figure out why you were crazy.
Me: Well it's a good thing I'm not. I mean, come on, if I were crazy would I be seeing that cat run across the street??
Nate: Where? (looks for cat on street then sees my mischievous face) Hahahaha! I cannot believe I just fell for that!!
Me: (i couldn't stop laughing at this point)
I'm so glad I can make my husband laugh with my goofiness! :-)