The Muse Writes...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Universal Studios, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and more!

We left this past week to head over to Universal Studios for our first vacation since our honeymoon four years ago. Needless to say, it was absolutely wonderful!! I could not have asked for a more perfect vacation than this one. And we are already thinking of where we want to go next year! So awesome! 

The Harry Potter area was so breathtaking. I seriously would have just stayed there for the rest of my life! Haha! And the Butterbeer!! Oh Baby Jesus, it was divine! I wish they would sell it outside of the parks because I would live off of it. :-) 

We spent the first two days of vacation at Universal Studios and then on Thursday & Friday we spent the time sightseeing and even went to play Mini Golf. 

The weather was beautiful all week. The only time it rained was Friday morning and then it stopped and the sun came out shining with force! 

Oh...there are so many stories bubbling in my head. I don't even know where to start! So I'll just leave this video of our adventure...

Universal Studios, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and more! from Mal Arnold on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Jennifer Owens said...

I think pictures set to music are way more fun than pictures by themselves. This made me smile!

I can't wait to see you and hear the stories behind the pictures - and I'm finding myself craving butter beer and I have no idea what it even is or tastes like! (o: