"You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people, when you meet them you think, "Not bad. They're okay." And then you get to know them and... and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful."
-Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
There are few people in my life who fit this description, but as I let those words roll around in my mind their faces burn brightly. I wonder who in your life has "turned into something so beautiful"? It's a pretty awesome experience and since it's rather rare for me, the experience is noticed and treasured even more.
I've always been horrible at keep journals. I start them and then eventually I stop. I started a private blog online for all my journalling needs and that lasted awhile...but, it has been three years since I've written in it. Wow. But I have started a new one and hopefully I'll keep up with that. I have been doing something rather different in a beautiful journal N gave me a couple years back. It's one of those gorgeous Italian old world journals. I've written non journally things in it. Stuff like a letter to my future son (hopefully there will be a son in my future so he can read it), a scene from my story, etc. But lately I've been writing in it every night. Not pages or paragraphs. Just a sentence or two.
When I was on Pinterest a month ago, I saw there was a journal that was for you to record your "best" moment of the day. It stuck with me. I kept thinking about it and finally decided that I wanted to do that. I started a new page and titled it "Mal's Year of Moments". And for about a month I've faithful in writing down what I considered the "best" moment of the day. Some days it's really easy. And on the bad days...well...it's really hard to find something beautiful in the midst of the chaos. And for that very reason I have been determined to do this for a whole year.
It's so easy to remember the good days. And it's so easy for me to slap a "bad" or "shitty" label on a day and throw it away discouraged and angry. But when you have to sit down and find a "best" moment from a chaotic or crap day it becomes a treasure hunt. Sometimes I've just wanted to give up and write "bad day...no good moment.", but I haven't and I'm glad. Whenever I sit there and quiet myself and slowly rewind through the day I am amazed at what I can find. "Best" moments don't always look like crazy happy or jumping up and down moments. Most of the time a "best" moment for me is a moment that is easily forgotten because it's quiet and thoughtful...or me just soaking in something beautiful. Sometimes a "best" moment in a bad day looks like me realizing that amidst the bad I was able to be kind to myself and I didn't think twice about it.
Doing the Year of Moments Journal has felt kind to myself. And it's given me a different perspective at the end of each day. It's weird that I seem to find out more about myself when I give myself a "challenge" of sorts and I am wiling to stay dedicated to that challenge.