Yesterday one of the Doctor's companions died. Her name is Elisabeth Sladen, but Doctor Who fans know her as Sarah Jane Smith. She was the companion to the 3rd & 4th incarnation of the Doctor back in the 70's and made special appearances for the 5th, 10th & 11th Doctor.

Sarah Jane & the 3rd Doctor

Sarah Jane & the 4th Doctor

Sarah Jane and the newest Doctor
Sarah Jane Smith was an investigative reporter who stumbled onto the Tardis and from that moment on her whole world was changed. Her character become the most favorite companion along with Tom Baker (the 4th Doctor) who become the favorite Doctor of that time. She went from being a "Yes, Doctor" "No, Doctor" girl to a well developed character who later earned herself her own series "The Sarah Jane Adventures".

An emotional goodbye between Sarah Jane and the 10th Doctor (my favorite Doctor)

K-9 was a gift the Doctor gave Sarah Jane.
K-9 was an incredibly intelligent and faithful companion for the Doctor's most faithful companion.

The Doctor Who world won't be the same without you Sarah Jane.
You'll be missed.
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