Tomorrow Nate & I are going to a used book sale. If you know anything about us then you know that the words "used book sale" make us very happy and excited! It's going to be at the Blossom Athletic Gymnasium. The whole gym is covered with tables (front to back) and on those tables are tons of books. They have every book imaginable! Sigh. It's amazing!
Anywho, I was thinking about all the books we are going to be bring home. And then I started thinking that all the bookcases we have are already filled with books. Which means that we'll need to buy another bookcase. And then I'm going to have to figure out where to put our new bookcase. Upstairs? Downstairs? I'm thinking upstairs because Nate has a bad habit of taking books upstairs and never bringing them back down. So I'm hoping that if there is a bookcase up there than our bathroom and his nightstand won't be overrun by piles of books (and yeah, I said piles.) We love to read.
Someday when we get the chance to build our own home there is definitely going to be a library room. There will be one big window and a window seat. And then every other wall will have built-in bookcases. Floor to almost ceiling bookcases with a sliding ladder (just like in Beauty & the Beast!!). I say almost ceiling because we want molding up there that has famous author's last names going all the way around the room. And in the middle of the room comfy furniture that invites you to curl up and read all day. Oh! And blankets are a must. We even want to spice up the door! We to make the door look like the Tardis. Everytime you walk up to the door to go inside of the library you'll have to open the Tardis doors. The idea that you'll be transported to any world you want is so perfect for us!

The Tardis doors. When we do it, it won't be a cutout. It'll be the legit thing!
Thinking about bookcases makes me think about other people's bookcases. I've seen bookcases filled with books. Old books, new books, famous books, and books I've never heard about. I've also seen bookcases with a mix of books and decorations. But the ones that confuse me the most are the bookcases that don't have any books at all. They usually just have pictures, vases, etc.
Like I said, this confuses me! Why do people use their bookcases for things other than...books?! Haha! Our bookcases are filled with books. Before we moved they were overflowing with books. Since the bookcases were in a different room we didn't care about that, but now that they are in the living room where everyone can see them we thought it might be nice to keep it a little organized. :-)
It makes me sad when I see a bookcase without books. I literally want to go buy some books and sneak them in so the bookcase won't be "lonely". Poor bookcases. There should be a refuge for bookless bookcases.
Save a bookcase, buy a book.
:-D sliding ladder!!!!! oh i am so going to invite myself over when this beautiful, expansive dream is born.
heck, i'll help build it!
OKay I had to laugh out loud. Because I'm a bookcase without the books kind of person. I have random shelves of them spread out throughout the house, but they're not all together. My bookcases are full of pictures and vases and trinkets and stuff.
My poor bookcases. (o:
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