In honor of this scary movie I decided I would finally write down some of my scary movie rules that I mentioned in an older posts "Random Thoughts".
M's Book of Survival Rules:
For Almost Anything That Could Ever Happen According to M
1. Always check the backseat.
5. Always check behind the door
6. If you are being chased try to not run upstairs
9. Everything is a weapon so use SOMETHING
10. Don't walk in dark rooms. Turn the light on or don't bother going in the room!
14. When in doubt, decapitate!
16. When someone says "Wait here." here means where you are...not somewhere else.
18. Always call the cops. Here's a thought, don't listen to the creepy guy telling you not to call them.
19. Don't go outside and leave your door open. You might as well post a sign saying:
"Please enter and make yourself at home. I'll be back soon so you can resume your killing spree."
20. When being chased Never Ever Ever try to fit into the doggie door
22. While looking around for your chaser, don't walk backwards.
24. If you see the killer standing behind your friend say something right away! Don't wait and stare stupidly into space.
25. Always stay in your group. The moment you split up the group you become sitting ducks. And anyways, it'll give you more time to escape if the killer's attention is on someone else.
29. Never trust the clown. They are always evil.
38. Moaning people stumbling about are not horny. They are hungry.
39. Go ahead and slap the screaming hysterical girl so she shuts up!
42. Never go into the deserted looking house to phone for help.
43. If someone in your group goes missing and then shows up later don't trust them!!
47. If you think something is behind you don't bother looking. Just run. If you have to look then jump forward, spin around, and scream "BOO!". At least you'll catch your attacker off guard.
48. If on a stormy night you find a previously closed window open, then leave it open. Assume someone came through it. And remember to use it. It'll be your guaranteed escape option.
49. When somebody says "Don't worry, I'll be right back." it's code for "You are on you're own. I'm not coming back alive."
50. Check the ceiling.
51. "What could go wrong?" means that everything and anything will go wrong.
52. Ask yourself this question: "Do I really want to hide in the tub?"
And there you have it. In case you find your self in a scary movie situation try to remember some of these rules. It might just save your life. ;-)
This was so funny I read it aloud at work! Everyone was laughing and saying "that's so true!" Very clever!!!
Hahaha, this was hilarious!!! I think the moaning people not being horny but hungry was my favorite. (o:
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