The Muse Writes...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Thoughts...

Random Thought #1: I am starting to feel overwhelmed by all the packing I have to do in the next three weeks. All these boxes are piling up with crap that allegedly Nate and I have accumulated over of the past two years in this apartment. I seriously think that tiny, cute rodents have taken over and gathered all of this crap like a bunch of rabid hoarders. Then again, the tiny, cute, rabid hording rodents might just be us... damn.

RT #2: I have a hankering for cupcakes... Me want cupcakes!! If you randomly show up at my place (after 2pm preferably) (and like...text first to make sure I'm not running around naked with a mojito shaking my Puerto Rican booty to Ricky Martin while packing) (dude...I so had a crush on him back in the day...and even pretended I had a love child with him...the baby's name was Ricky Jr.) (omg....I am seriously not a freak.) Anywho, like I was saying before I went off on my bunny rabbit trails...if you brought me cupcakes or took me to go get cupcakes I would love you...forever...or maybe until I finished off the last cupcake. ;-) can buy love. hah.

RT #3: I probably should be embarrassed for admitting to pretending to have a love-child with RM, but I'm not... I have embraced my freak flag tonight and it is flying!

RT#4: I finally started writing down my "rules". I've titled it "M's Book of Survival Rules: for almost anything that could ever happen according to M". So far I have 51 rules. It rocks. Maybe later I'll post some of these random fun filled rules down for your curious eyes.

RT#5: My husband is turning off the lights and mumbling... This is a signal that he is tired and it's bed time. I should go to bed...but then all my millions and millions of readers (hah!) would be wondering "what are the rest of her random thoughts?!". I know y'all are out there...quietly stalking my blog... I see you! Yeah, that's right...

RT#6: I probably should go to bed... my mind is a scary place right now. lol.

RT#7: Today my husband said I graduated to nerdhood because I want to find Captain Picard and pluck a few of his hairs and clone him. Then I can keep him in a stasis pod and let him out when it's time to go to bed and he can read me bedtime stories until I fall asleep. Apparently this is creepy...and nerdy.

RT#8: I was very disappointed with this last episode of Glee. It was a tribute to Lady Gaga... I was excited since I am fan of some of her songs. The costumes were good...the storyline predictable, but entertaining nonetheless. The music...omg. Ouch.
One: Lady Gaga's songs were made for her voice alone.
Two: Hearing Poker Face sung to slow kinda jazzy piano music was just plain torture. For the first time in my Glee history I had to skip a song...that's how bad I thought it was. Good voices...horrible rendition.

RT#9: I hate talking on the phone. I seem to say it a million and one times, but it's like no one ever hears me. So I'll say it again... I hate talking on the phone. Text me, message me, email me. But for all that is good and holy, stop expecting me to pick up that damn phone. I have no problem talking to people...I just don't like talking on the phone. For those who remember this rule and abide by it...I thank you...I love you...I treasure you....I would give you a cupcake, but I don't have any right now...sorry...

RT#10: Oh thank God, I have reached the tenth one and now I feel complete.
Dreamland here I come... :-)

1 comment:

Seized by Hope said...

51 rules....crap. that's alot of rules. i'd like to hear more about those ;)